Tiffany Kafka
Tiffany Kafka

Tiffany Kafka, daughter of Glenn and Beverly Kafka, has joined Kafka Granite as a full time employee. Tiffany has worked as a marketing representative part-time while earning her Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. There, Tiffany pursued a double major in Marketing Management and Family Business.

“Gaining hands on work experience while pursuing my degree made for a really unique learning experience. I am privileged and prepared to be a part of a business I have grown so passionate for. I am looking forward to working in conjunction with my family and the Kafka Granite team in order to harvest the company’s great potential,” Tiffany Kafka shared.

Tiffany will be working alongside the Kafka Granite sales team to further strategize the company’s sales and marketing, while also working with her older brother, Chris, to prepare for 2nd generation ownership.

You can contact Tiffany at [email protected].

Welcome to the team, Tiffany!

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